About Us

Who We Are

National Instructors and Coaches Association (NICA) is the collective voice of coaches and instructors in Singapore since 2019. We have been championing fair contracting, timely payment, dispute resolution/ mediation, work safety, and sustainable careers for freelance coaches and instructors in the field of Sports & Outdoor Learning, Fitness & Wellness, Visual & Performing Arts, and Lifestyle & Enrichment.

We also believe that by standing together, we can drive meaningful change and make coaching / instructing a viable career. With #NICAByYourSide, we are committed to standing with coaches and instructors through every challenge and achievement, making sure you are not alone in this journey.

Our Priorities

Our members are at the heart of what NICA does. Here’s how NICA puts our commitment into action, as guided by our Constitution:

To be a collective and representative voice for members to the relevant authorities and agencies on issues that impact their livelihood;

To outline and uphold a framework of ethical and professional standards and attitudes to guide members and raise their credibility and the status of coaching and instructing as a vocation;

To strengthen the coaching and/or instructing proficiency and knowledge of members so as to develop their competence as a coach and/or instructor and enhance professional standards and professionalism;

To strengthen members’ financial well-being through the promotion and/ or introduction of appropriate programmes;

To collaborate with relevant authorities and agencies to facilitate amicable and cost-effective resolution of work-related disputes;

To foster friendly relations and encourage better understanding and co-operation among members as well as between members and relevant stakeholders;

To associate or affiliate with any national or international organisation that has similar objects as the Association, including the National Trades Union Congress; and Singapore Labour Foundation;

To promote generally the material, educational, social, cultural, recreational, welfare and interest of the members and their dependants and to do all things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of these objects.

Can I join as a NICA member?

You are eligible to sign up as a NICA member if you:

  1. Are active in the field of Sports & Outdoor Learning, Fitness & Wellness, Visual & Performing Arts, and Lifestyle & Enrichment, and;
  2. Possess the necessary accreditation or the equivalent from the relevant governing agencies or institutions in the above fields, and;
  3. Draw your income mainly as a freelance/self-employed and/or an instructor from the above fields.

1. Are active...

in the field of Sports & Outdoor Learning, Fitness & Wellness, Visual & Performing Arts, and Lifestyle & Enrichment, and;

2. Possess...

the necessary accreditation or the equivalent from the relevant governing agencies or institutions in the above fields, and;

3. Draw your income...

mainly as a freelance/self-employed and/or an instructor from the above fields.

Be a part of a bigger voice for coaches & instructors:

Our Leadership

Meet our team of passionate leaders — all coaches, trainers, and educators just like you! They know the highs, the lows, and what it takes to make a difference.

Adrain Chiang President

Adrian Chiang

President, Visual & Performing Arts Branch

Danny Aw Deputy President

Danny Aw

Deputy President, Sports & Outdoor Learning Branch

Justin Teh General Secretary

Justin Teh

General Secretary, Sports & Outdoor Learning Branch

Tommy Yau Deputy General Secretary

Tommy Yau

Deputy General Secretary, Fitness & Wellness Branch

Rasidah Caudal General Treasurer

Rasidah Caudal

General Treasurer, Fitness & Wellness Branch

Jeremy Tang Deputy General Treasurer

Jeremy Tang

Deputy General Treasurer, Fitness & Wellness Branch

Lynn Koi

Executive Secretary, NTUC

Abdul Rashid Bin Kadir Committee Member

Abdul Rashid Bin Kadir

Committee Member, Sports & Outdoor Learning Branch

Ellissa Committee Member

Ellissa Easita Sayampanathan

Committee Member, Visual & Performing Arts Branch

Desmond Ho Committee Member

Desmond Ho

Committee Member, Sports & Outdoor Learning Branch

Fish Tan Committee Member

Fish Tan

Committee Member, Sports & Outdoor Learning Branch

George Leong committee member

George Leong

Committee Member, Lifestyle & Enrichment Branch

Jovan Neo Committee Member

Jovan Neo

Committee Member, Visual & Performing Arts Branch

Firoze Committee Member

Rofirozeli Bin Ismail (Firoze)

Committee Member, Lifestyle & Enrichment Branch

Tan Hwee Bin Committee Member

Tan Hwee Bin

Committee Member, Visual & Performing Arts Branch

Julie Teo Committee Member

Teo Julie

Committee Member, Sports & Outdoor Learning Branch

Timothy Chan Committee Member

Timothy Chan

Committee Member, Sports & Outdoor Learning Branch

Yong Chee Foon Committee Member

Yong Chee Foon

Committee Member, Visual & Performing Arts Branch

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